The latest information in Australia can be found here.

The FRIDAY Bible class on the Book of Romans

We started a Zoom Bible class during lockdown, and we continue now that restrictions are loosening in many places.

If you’d like to join the class live, send an email to [email protected] and we will supply you the information.



We still have a few bottles of free hand sanitizer available. The product was sourced from Astro EcoTech in Hervey Bay, Queensland. (1.300.304.019).

This short video shows how this works.
We also give out flyers that explain why we are doing this. The flyer is here.



Finding certainty in uncertain times: is this a pipedream?

Most of us are out of lockdown, but the pandemic is still having its way around the world, with increasing deaths and cases over 8 million. The situations in Europe, in Victoria, in the US… there is no place that seems to be unaffected by COVID-19. Economic collapse has affected businesses here in Australia, with our treasurer declaring a recession. Forecasts for 2020 are gloomy. With all this uncertainty, where is real certainty?

Bob Mendelsohn, national director of Jews for Jesus Australia, shares some commentary here.