God Is Moving In Ukraine

Report from Ukraine and Poland and...

Every couple of days we hear from our teams in Belarus, Moscow, Kyiv or Odessa. And each time they are reporting more opportunities for sharing the Gospel of Yeshua. Some of our Israeli team have moved back (temporarily) to Poland to help with the relief efforts. They have bought a van for transporting refugees and have rented a house to assist in temporary lodging for them. It's a massive effort to secure petrol and food, and to gain the trust of the fleeing Ukrainians. And God is making this to happen.

Tolik is pictured here. He was invited to preach at a church service. The church had rescued an 89 year-old Jewish woman from Kharkov, which is under constant bombings. Tolik asked to meet her. She turned out to be a very open and cheerful woman. Her son is an Israeli citizen, and when they called him, he begged them to help his mother. Tolik reached out to our colleague in Krakow and just hours later, they met her at the Poland border. God did a miracle on our way there. While in the car, Tolik says, "we were reading in the Psalms, "Blessed is the one whose sins are forgiven," and she noted that although she observed all Jewish holidays, she didn't feel that her sins were forgiven. We talked about the Messiah Jesus. It was clear that God had prepared her heart for a profession of faith, and right there in the car, moving 80 km/h this elderly lady professed her faith in Jesus and asked for forgiveness for her sins. Praise God for this soul! We arrived at the border where our team took her, and now she is safe and well cared for."

Amidst the reports of bombing and trauma we are reminded of our Saviour's words that there will be 'wars and rumours of wars' in the end times. The apprehension in many of a World War Ill reminds us to look up to the loving hands of God who knows and sees all.

Rebekah Bronn