Two New Jewish Believer's Baptised!

By Bob Mendelsohn | November 2022

A few months ago two Jewish women came onto our radar more noticeably. Neither were known to each other and both began attending our Friday morning Bible class. Each had Zoom and curiosity, but reluctance to be known. They stayed in the shadows during most of their first class or two. But slowly God in his kindness was getting through to them. Both lived a good distance from the Jews for Jesus Sydney branch, but Zoom allows proximity very easily.

 Soon Tessa and Laura* (Not their real names) began to ask questions and to be comfortable with the meetings and with the learning from the book of Jeremiah, as well as the community we represent. It was a joy to watch. First Tessa said she was a believer of late, then on Rosh Hashanah Laura said she was ready for baptism and the wheels of our operation went into motion. How should we organize both a baptism, for each of the women who lives remotely, and to gather many others to rejoice with them?

 The day of Sukkot arrived and our team gathered at my home for a celebration in the sukkah (tabernacle). But first we went to a neighbour’s swimming pool on that sunny Friday afternoon, and enjoyed hearing the stories of both Laura and Tessa, found out each was originally from Ukraine, each had friends who witnessed to them, and both felt very comfortable being with us in our community.  Bob baptised them both, and our team and the others from the messianic community shouted, “Hallelujah!”

 Thanks to those of you who pray, we are empowered AND Tessa and Laura came through to honour and obey the Lord in this public declaration of their faith. The ladies are grateful and so are we!

Rebekah Bronn